Please sign up at our event calendar.
Sunday Join us for a Mustang 54th Anniversary Celebration to drive to LeMay Museum in Tacoma. Tickets for admission to the Museum is $10 so please bring cash for that (you will need them to go in to see the marvelous musem.) We will meet at the Shari’s at the Expo Exit for breakfast @7:45AM leaving there promptly at 8:30AM. We will stop at the rest area on I-5 North Exit #54 about 9:30 AM. We will leave there at 9:50 AM at the latest for those who want to meet up there. Then we will head on up to the Museum from there. Looks like construction so will take Exit #134 and circle back to I-5 South to take the Tacoma Dome exit. More details on that the day of the event. We need to be there by 11:30AM. Lunch can be purchased at the Museum. WE are going with three other Mustang clubs in Washington. SO enjoy the tour and event. We will also be taking pictures with the hoods down at first when we first get there. You can all get home however you want.